Author: Flaming Channel

Worry no more, since I’ll share an in-depth truth about KOINONIA Messages with Apostle Joshua Selman in this article, so stick with me. The Bible’s New Testament says: In its most fundamental definition, the term koinonia encompasses features such as community, communion, joint involvement, sharing, and proximity. Koinonia Messages By Apostle Joshua Selman As a result, koinonia can sometimes refer to a jointly supplied gift. The term appears 19 times in most Greek New Testament translations. The New American Standard Bible uses the word “fellowship” twelve times, “sharing” three times, and “participation” and “contribution” twice each. Koinonia is not mentioned…

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Did you just notice that it’s 2:22 on the clock? Have you ever had a dream about the number 222? Rest assured, you were guided here to discover about the significance of 222. What Does the Number 222 Mean in the Bible and Why Are You Seeing 222? You’re curious about the number 222’s meaning and why it continues arriving on your path at this time. It may appear that seeing the number 222 everywhere is a coincidence, but this did not happen by chance. Throughout this event, you’ve been increasingly conscious of recurrent indicators everywhere around you, and you…

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9 different types of angels Although we can connect with God directly via prayer, the Bible teaches that he interacts with us through a number of angels, each with their own set of tasks. There are 9 Different Types of Angels and Their Roles to us on Earth in each of the three primary choirs. Regardless of their place in the system, they are individuals just like us. They are considerably more tolerant and forgiving than we are because they can see far beyond a mortal timeframe. They are aware of our unique life objectives and have been sent to assist…

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Archangels, whose name comes from the Greek for “chief angel,” appear to be at the head of the heavenly hierarchy in terms of strength. These angels, who were created by God, serve a variety of tasks throughout the Bible’s Old and New Testaments. we have 7 Archangels Names And Meanings In The Bible These seven archangels, several faiths, civilizations, and belief systems have identified more archangels, each with its own special specialization. Angels are a fascinating part of our culture’s past. Whether you believe in angels or not, your archangel is there to help you anytime you need it. Angels…

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When your friends are in pain, you feel it as well. You can’t think of anything you can do to help a friend who is going through a traumatic divorce, losing a lucrative job, dealing with a severe disease, or suffering from soul-deadening depression. You need Powerful Morning Warfare Prayer Robert Clancy 2022 has always been the most natural response for religious people. We believe that God, our constant source of strength in times of adversity, will hear our prayers for a friend, no matter how dire the situation. We don’t always know how our prayers will be answered, but…

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Affirmations may be anything you say or think. It entails accepting complete responsibility for the course of your life. It is the deliberate choice to make remarks that will add or remove to your life. Biblical Affirmations To Decree Over Your Life Today Positive affirmations are generally successful. Imagine how much more powerful these affirmations will be if they are founded on God’s Word! Imagine praying God’s promises over your life! You are operating from your own power when you use positive affirmations. You are completely reliant on God when you use biblical affirmations. When you have anxiety, one of…

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During times of severe darkness or adversity, we need A covenant of prayer for revival and spiritual awakening  it make us to know the secret tings of God and make us to be serious to his work meaning God’s Spirit frequently acts most forcefully among His people. Our hearts are fluttering. Attempting to catch our attention. Notifying us of the importance of change in our own lives and in the world. the Stories of great revival, renewed spiritual awakening, and the Holy Spirit at work may be found throughout the Bible, even in the midst of immense hardship and harsh…

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Many cultures across the world are losing sight of the history of marriage. Marriage is frequently regarded nowadays as an outmoded institution that has outlived its usefulness. According to a recent poll, people are growing less connected to marriage as an institution. The proportion of people who feel marriage enhances the lives of children and families and is essential for developing good families has somewhat declined. People, on the other hand, continue to see marriage favorably. The number of people who feel marriage is archaic and out of date has grown in recent years. Nonetheless, 10 Biblical Reasons For Marriage…

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Download The Doctrine Of Resurrection By Apostle Joshua Selman Resurrection is the act or occurrence of a man’s eternal spirit reuniting with his body, which might be the same body or a glorified body. The resurrection is God’s determination to keep us from eternal punishment. You gain the power of resurrection when you receive God’s eternal life. This indicates that even if our external body perishes (we sleep), Believers have hope of resurrection. Fact About Download The Doctrine Of Resurrection By Apostle Joshua Selman Jesus paid the price for justice; he conquered the grave, sin, and death, and he gave…

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