Author: Flaming Channel
We are happy to welcome everyone who is joining us in online fellowship for the first time on behalf of God’s servant. You are welcome to attend tonight’s miracle service with us. May you experience many miracles, signs, and wonders during your life. We adore you. Download August 2022 Miracle Service Apostle Joshua Selman True deliverance involves both the letting go of conditions and the letting go of spirits. A spiritual possibility is transferred through impartation. God’s power confirms the truth of what He has proclaimed; it cannot accomplish what He has not declared. Although it is beneficial to be…
The gospel of Jesus Christ is transforming and touching lives all over the world through Rhema Fest. and by teaching the truth of God’s word, drawing the attention of the entire world to the word of eternity. The Good News of God’s Grace is the capacity of God to enable each believer to have a victorious life. An individual may experience dealings based on his or her relationship with God; these dealings may be useful insofar as their mark on that person is concerned, but they may not apply to anybody else. To Download Audio Apostle Joshua Selman Rhema Feast…
The Purified Church By Apostle Joshua Selman mean this attribute The character of pride is a desire to minimize the contributions of others and to stand out on one’s own. Materialism is the negative influence of materials on your relationships, not the presence of material possessions. click to download last miracle service The Purified Church By Apostle Joshua Selman The Lord purifies and matures His Church through commendation and correction, praising what is done well and correcting areas that need improvement. COMMENDATIONS FOR THE CHURCH IN AFRICA: The church’s compassion (that has birthed several possibilities among believers). Doctrine. Believers’ endurance…
In this sermon, Apostle Joshua Selman discusses how believers can increase their dominion over the kingdom and the heavenly ordinances that govern dominion. click to download part 2 God Himself established the institution known as ordinance to ensure dominance. An ordinance is defined as. 1). A law established by a governing body is known as an ordinance. 2). A decree is an ordinance. 3). An ordinance is a method or strategy that has been approved. Dominion will be the outcome whenever you walk in accord with the ordinances of heaven. Dominion depends on knowledge (high level spiritual illumination). It involves…
Understanding the mystery of the altar captures the power to restrain evil. You can use your sacrifice to perfect the process of erecting an altar over whatever opposes you. Let Them Have Dominion Part 2 By Apostle Joshua Selman LET THEM HAVE DOMINION Part 2 (The Mystery Of Altars – Apostle Joshua Selman) The following are the Biblical objectives for tonight’s teaching on “The Mystery of Altars (Let Them Have Dominion – Part Two)”: 1) To comprehend the significance of altars 2) To comprehend the relationship between altars and saints’ dominion 3). Understanding how to raise and lower altars Let…
Let Them Have Dominion By Apostle Joshua Selman The majority of believers do not comprehend the principles of dominion. To rule, you must be a spirit residing in a mortal body with a mind (an interface between the spirit and the body). Having dominion over the realms of air, water, and earth implies that no element derived from these sources should work against you. Judges 5:19–20 Your body is what gives your spiritual authority, and dominion on Earth is only for spirits with physical bodies; Satan is after you because you live in a physical body. He will only relent…
The Testimony Of Enoch By Apostle Joshua Selman is a message preached with power Only once you are aware of your role as a witness will your prayers and desires make sense. Nothing will benefit you unless it is related to your witnessing responsibilities and the kingdom’s goals. The value of God’s presence is appreciated by those who truly walk with Him; walking with God is superior to walking with any institution on earth. It requires a COMPLETE SURRENDER. As soon as you start walking with God, He uses His Word and Spirit to bring you to destroy every idol.…
Download The Presence Of God By Apostle Joshua Selman is designed as God’s manifest presence in your life will be assured by your love and passion for him. It’s a risk to value and secure anything more than God’s presence. Self-sufficiency is a state of pride. You have to put up a fight to keep it out of your life. Download The Presence Of God By Apostle Joshua Selman God’s Presence in Three Dimensions: 1) Omnipresence, Omnipotence, and Omniscience 139:7-12 (Psalm 139:7-12) 2). (Matthew 18:20) His Emmanuel Dimension 3). The Shekinah is His Manifest Presence (Exodus 40:34) What does it…
Are you confused and frustrated about your life, Do you desire to move to another level, Spiritually, Mentally, Academically, and Financially, Are you stranded on one level for so long, Here’s a solution for you, Download All Apostle Joshua Selman Short Messages Download and listen to Apostle Joshua Selman message on our website Be blessed. Download All Apostle Joshua Selman Short Messages (videos / Audio ) IF YOU WANT TO BE A CHRISTIAN NOT ONLY BY PRAYING IN TONGUES BUT DO THIS BY APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN Click Below To Download And Also Share The Video Audio …
It takes courage to walk with God. When God calls you, your job is to obey and trust him. Faith must be required in some aspect of your fellowship. Download Discerning The Will Of God By Apostle Joshua Selman Sight, discernment, and knowing God’s will all have a connection. It is your responsibility to find out where in God’s word it was written about you. Keys To Discerning The Will Of God By Apostle Joshua Selman 1) A total surrendered life (Luke 22:42, Jeremiah 29:11) – Surrender is the willingness to place God’s will above yours as a sign of faith.…