From there, Jesus traveled to His hometown, accompanied by His disciples. download what wisdom is this with Apostle Joshua Selman When the Sabbath arrived, He began to teach in the synagogue, and many people were astounded by what they heard. They inquired, “Where did this man receive these ideas?” “What is this knowledge He has received?” And how is it that He is capable of such feats? Isn’t this the carpenter’s son, the brother of James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon, and the son of Mary? Isn’t it true that His sisters are also with us?”
They were offended by Him, so Jesus told them, “A prophet is without honor only in his hometown, among his family, and in his own household.” The parable was about the wisdom that comes from above and is superior to all others. Because Jesus Christ is the wisdom from above, which triumphs over the wisdom of the earth, we should pursue this wisdom from above rather than the wisdom of the earth.
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download what wisdom is this with Apostle Joshua Selman and more messages 2022
ETERNITY NETWORK INTERNATIONAL is led by APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN, who is also the senior Prophet and President. Their weekly meeting, dubbed “KOINONIA,” has aided many people and sparked resurrection in various lives, cities, and communities. Many people have found their way back to God thanks to his ministry. His message, ” WHAT WISDOM IS THIS?” will be quite beneficial to you.
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