There are two major seasons in everyone’s life when it comes to excellence. Download Spiritual Pathway To Greatness With Apostle Joshua Selman 2021 This is something that everyone who wants to be relevant in the kingdom and reach greatness must go through.( 1) The Preparation Season. In the kingdom, there is no such thing as instant manifestation; if you are not prepared for anything, you will fail on the day of manifestation. The second discovery is yourself; now that you’ve discovered God, it’s time to figure out who you are. In Christ, everyone who is born of God and lives on the earth has a great destiny and a noble calling. There is no such thing as a purposeless person. In terms of God’s predetermined counsel, everyone has something to do with their life and destiny. The saints’ inheritance in Christ is greatness. In comparison to those who wish to curse you, there are always more people wanting to bless you.
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Your feeling of self-worth is based on how much value you place on yourself Download Spiritual Pathway To Greatness With Apostle Joshua Selman 2021 and more in 2022
Nobody gets tired of seasons; when one comes to an end, a new one begins. You must constantly be prepared for the upcoming season’s training. Greatness is merely the world’s acknowledgment of your ability to serve effectively with your gift. Evolving is more vital than doing; the most crucial aspect of your journey to greatness is who you must become to get there. No one is without a purpose; in Christ, everyone has a magnificent destiny. Greatness does not come at the end of your life’s journey. Every excursion on the surface of the Earth has a spiritual component. At the Sunday Koinonia service in Abuja, Apostle Joshua Selman addressed this topic in order to equip believers with key truths concerning their spiritual journey in Christ.
The testing procedure is really challenging. God will put you to the test in the areas where He wishes to use you. The Academy of the Spirit’s training provides you with steadiness and endurance. Greatness
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